Kelowna, BC has been home for most of my life (other than the brief, but amazing time I lived in the Caymans), and I share a simple but full life with my husband, two grown children, and two grandsons, who are literally the apple of my eye.

For as long as I can remember, I've been creating and DIY'ing~rearranging my room as a young girl; thrifting furniture because it just has so many more stories than new; or 'shopping' my own home to create a new-to-us look.

My love language is hosting intimate dinner parties and celebrations and for the past 7 years I owned Joonie & Joe; an event styling business and online boutique party store so you'll find snippets of entertaining tips here as well.

In 2020, party decor sales and the events industry took a huge downturn and like so many other business owners, I had to shift and think outside the box. Couple that with my need to create, I taught myself how to embroider and punchneedle and decided to start selling my hand-stitched hoops.

Floyd Kinney was my great grandfather's name and even though he passed away when I was young, I have fond memories as a little girl holding his hand while walking through the prairie fields of Saskatchewan. He was stylish and classy, yet practical; 3 guiding traits I often look to to help create a warm and welcoming, yet functional home and I hope you can find some of that inspiration here.

about me...
